Saturday, October 17, 2015

Chip Kidd- 4 Freedoms

It’s impossible to discuss one of Chip Kidd’s posters discussing the 4 Freedoms without covering the other 3 that accompany them. In essence, Kidd addressed each freedom individually in each poster. His purpose was to draw attention to the manner in which people take advantage of our rights as Americans in order to infringe upon other’s rights.
The first of the 4 posters to attract my attention was the “Freedom of Worship.” The group that Kidd is referencing protest at locations such as funerals for soldiers killed in battle, and high schools where students, under the age of 18, should be focusing on their education. Actions such as overeating, and then complaining about having to pay for two seats on an airplane; actions such as not being allowed to ride a horse because the horse can only hold so much weight, and other abuses of freedoms. Giving Americans the ability to easily purchase a gun without little to no background checks at gun shows is an abuse of freedom. Countless innocent bystanders, mostly college students, have died because of that freedom. Burning the flag of the country that has allowed its citizens to sleep peacefully without third world country fears is an abuse. In essence, Kidd shows us how much Americans are coddled.
Chip Kidd’s ease at expressing the problems with American freedoms is a direct reflection of his experiences as well as his many accomplishments. As a child he immersed himself in popular American culture and later, studied Graphic Design at Penn State University. His freelance work includes Amazon, Columbia University Press, and other famous names. He has worked on movies such as Jurassic Park and has written many novels.

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