Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ticket into Time Travel - Natalie Pacheco

Statement: What exactly triggers people’s mind to remind themselves of specific occasions. Is it sight, touch, location, or does souvenirs with the name of location and date have to produce the mind to connect the dots? Does a matchbox of a fancy restaurant remind someone of a first date? How effectively does a receipt recollect and have the viewer think of location?  This is what I want to explore with my collection of what I have always seemed to pick up during trips or random day-to-day occasions. I don’t want these items to be specific to my own memories and want the viewers to be able to effectively relate to these items. Nor do I want the items to be too obvious for the viewer: i.e. A picture of London with a souvenir of Big Ben. I want the viewer to see the texture of torn edges of a concert ticket, without having to see the information on the ticket, to relate to standing in a venue for your favorite band. 

I've been collecting concert and airline tickets to recollect memories from these events. I document them by taking photos, scanning, image manipulating and scanning manipulation and then, collage them together.

The categories were: Texture, Color, Location, Typography, Condition, Souvenir.


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