My collection is leaves. While that may sound like a very simplistic and almost meaningless collection, it's actually more complex than you think or at least than I think. I like to think of leaves as Earth's natural time pieces, or clocks if you will. They, like you and I, age through time and change with it especially when thinking about the seasons. They grow, brown up, and then fall off where they become almost nothing.
My Collection Book:

What I did was compose an old torn apart composition book and staple many leaves I found around campus and around my house and have them there to watch them change through time. I've always enjoyed taking things from places I travel to like leaves, rocks, sand, etc. Leaves especially since they always seem like the most interesting to me because of the fact that they don't even last me long after I take them.
Zoom-In Photography:

For my documentation, I can document that the leaves are definitely different shapes and sizes. The colors can be said that they are different but that just means they're different ages. Some are browning and others still feel thick and almost moist. The texture, as I mentioned before, vary from really thin and soft to thick and rough and really hard to bend. One even being a flower of sorts.
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