Thursday, April 7, 2016

App Concepts

Pal (Buddy App)
Concept: This app is meant for people who are having a bad day and need to talk to someone.
Sometimes people are having a bad day and they need someone to talk to. Maybe it’s something personal that you can’t talk to your close friends about. Or the problem is about someone in your life that you can’t talk to anyone else about. You can find people on the app who are having the same problem as you.

Cap (College Budget App)
Concept: Surviving life on a college budget
This app is designed to give the best tips on how to survive on a college budget. It will give the user the best prices of everyday essentials, restaurants, and on/off campus activities. It will have a feature where you can put in your weakly wages along with bills and their due dates, and the budgeter will help you manage your money.

Dish Out (Restaurant App)
Concept: Avoid lines, get your name on the list and have your drinks waiting for you before getting to the restaurant
This app is designed to promote restaurants in your area and help you avoid lines. Restaurants can promote new specials, happy hours and entertainment. You can reserve your seat and have a drink waiting for you while avoiding the crowd.

Specialty (Restaurant App)
Concept: Everyone has eating limitations, this app will help find restaurants that accommodate everyone
This app is designed for those people who have limitations on what they can eat. Going out to eat can be difficult for people who are Vegan, Vegetarian or Gluten Intolerant. This app will give you all the restaurants who can cater to your needs while fulfilling the needs of others who are going with you.

Gift (Wish List App)
Concept: Find the best gifts for people in a certain age range or look up someone’s wish list

This app is designed to help people who have a hard time finding gifts. The app gives the best gift options depending on the age range. You can also search a person’s name who has a wish list on the app to buy them the perfect gift. 

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