Sunday, October 18, 2015

Alternative assignment, ARH4724, Paula Valbuena

James Victore

In this poster, it shows a couple crying over a coffin as one person lays an American flag over the wooden case and the other figure holding the newspaper, as another figure lies on the floor with the words "victim" over it. In my opinion, I feel like the artist is trying to tell us that America is too busy paying attention to the media that we lose control of our own selves and loved ones. We are too afraid to become the actual American that we were meant to be and do what we please. The media basically controls the way we eat, think, feel and do in our everyday lives. Media has a way with causing fear to Americans. The media can easily cause it's viewers to believe in what the media wants us to believe. We have a history of violence and "terrorist threats" portrayed through the media to make us fear and make us feel hatred towards a certain group for the governments gain. Covering up disasters and blaming it on something or someone, as so the woman describing as she "covers" the coffin with the American flag. The media portrays violence through war, accidents, homicides and other violent events to make us fear and keep Americans in one perspective.

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