Sunday, October 18, 2015

Alternative assignment, GRA3193, Paula Valbuena

Chip Kidd

The poster I will be describing is the series of political posters that Chip Kidd made. His use of the amendments in his own words along with photos of the hypocritical uses of said law makes Kidd's audience open their eyes about what's wrong in America today. Not only America, but with the rest of the world as well. Keeping the same starter as "Freedom isn't free, this is abuse of the..." in blue and red. The amendment is in white.

Freedom of speech is the act of expressing your opinions and thoughts verbally. You can also act upon your opinions, but there boundaries that contradict this privilege. For example, burning a flag is controversial. It can mean many things, such as, rebelling against the government or your country. It is completely disrespectful to viewers from America.

Next example is Freedom of Worship aka Religion. The way the artist describes the hypocritical view of this amendment is most commonly used. Specific religions can mean peace and love but due to strict religious regulations, many religions outcast certain people if their views do not meet their standards. Therefore, spreads hatred, violence and even wars breakout due to religion. So much for freedom of religion.

Freedom of Want. Not really an amendment, but what the artist is portraying is that we have the free will to get what we want, when we want in America. Yet, how much of getting what we want is too much? The poster obviously describes the obesity issue in America. We can easily access a lot of greasy fast food for cheap, without really putting too much effort into buying healthy food and cook.

Finally, Freedom of Fear. Gun control issues in America is a very controversial topic in this country because guns kill people, right? How many regulations do we put on owning a gun? How about the sanity of a person owning a gun? Guns don't just kill people. People kill people. Guns can be used for protection, but in the poster, it's portrayed as spreading fear. Which is very accurate, to be honest.

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