Monday, October 19, 2015

Alternative Assignment

   The posters that interested me the most were 4-piece poster by Chip Kidd. Chip Kidd is a famous graphic designer, who is known for his book covers. He started out with designing comic book covers, and grew in the industry and started freelancing for publishing houses such as Amazon, HarperCollins, and Penguin/Putnam. He is now an associate art director at the New York publishing house Knopf.

   The posters' layout is simple, but each poster holds a deep meaning, and it really left an impression on me. Using the "Four Freedoms" theme, Kidd typed the text in the three colours of the American flag, and started each poster with the phrase, "Freedom isn't free/This is the abuse of the..." I really think these posters open the viewer's eyes to how corrupted American values have become.

   The first poster is about the Freedom of Speech. The Freedom of Speech is the right to freely express oneself. In my eyes, the photo of the burning flag represents protests, which can be abusing the freedom of speech if taken too far. Even if the viewer is not American, like myself, the message still gets across, because I'm sure burning a country's flag can be seen as disrespectful no matter what country you're from.

   The second poster is about the Freedom of Worship. This is the right of freely practicing one's own religion. This is the poster that left the deepest impression on me. This photo shows a presumably Christian man who is against homosexuality, and is using his religion as a justification for his behaviour. He is abusing this freedom, because he is being violent towards a specific group of people, because he believes that his religion condemns them.

   The third poster is about the Freedom from Want. This means the right to be able to get anything one wants, whenever he/she wants it. This is the main idea of the "American Dream". However, as depicted in the photo, sometimes we can overuse things if we have easy access to them. Fast food is cheap and easily attainable, which is why obesity is a major problem in the USA.

   The last poster is about the Freedom from Fear. This means "the worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point, and in such a thorough fashion, that no nation will be in a a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbour." America has one of the largest amount of cases dealing with death by gunfire in any country, and this is because the gun laws in this country are not strict enough. Just about anybody can purchase a gun, and they say it's for "self-protection," and a lot of the gun-owners who kill people are quick to claim "self-defense." The poster depicts the "right to bear arms" alone is scary.

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