Thursday, January 28, 2016

Surfer MAGAZINE Collection

Surfer Mag Collection FIU

The Surfer Magazine started in 1959 by John Severson to accompany his surf films, going from a quarterly printing to a bi-monthly printing, and becoming the figurative center of the surf world, and a hub for environmental activists. With humor and good sense of design, Surfer has become a well known literary insight to the sport. For that reason, I bring you the Surfer Mag collection. It's minimalist design with each article and an aesthetically pleasing placement of photos, you begin to feel comfortable and integrated to a facet of the Surf world. From articles describing utter despair for our ocean waters due to oil spills, to over fishing and the destruction of natural beaches from tourism. With well designed Pro Surfer profiles, and descriptive adventures of such pro-surfers, both on pro-tour, and off tour, as expositions of the soul, Surfer takes you where otherwise you would never go without being a part of this sport niche. Besides, it never hurts that each spotlight cover photo, are perfectly taken and edited photos o the exploits of some of our favorite surfers, blended well with minimalist text layout. We invite you to come look through some of the history of this cornerstone of the surf world with the Surfer Magazine Collection.

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